Nine Arch Bridge -Demodara Sri Lanka

Nine Arch Bridge is next to Sutherland and is located in Uva, Sri Lanka. Nine Arch Bridge has a length of 0.17 kilometres
bridge: yes
gauge: 1676
railway: rail

This Bridge is situated one Kilometers on the Gotuwala road near the Sutherland bungalow
 on the left of two Kilometers  away from Ella town along Passara road.
This bridge belongs to the Madhuragama Grama Seva Division between Ella and Demodara Railway Stations.
This name is used since the bridge contains of 09 arches.
It is also known as “Ahas Nawaya Palama” (9 Skies Bridge) This Bridge is 300 feet (91.44m) long and 25ft (7.62m) wide.
This bridge connects with two high lands and has been made of large cubic stones.
The height is 80 ft (24.38m). The bridge has constructed with using an amazing engineering technology.

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