Arugambay | Travel Guide | Sri Lanka

Arugambay | Travel Guide

Arugam Bay is a bay situated on the Indian Ocean in the dry zone of Sri Lanka's southeast coast. The bay is located 320 km due east of Colombo.
 "Ullai" as Arugam Bay is locally known is a popular surfing and tourist destination.
Beyond surfing there are many things can be enjoyable, Lagoon tour, bird watching, elephant watching, Kumana National Park, Kudumpigala monarchy and many ancient ruins & archaeological sites.
 After the war ended, there are lot of tourist not only surfers but many nature lovers visiting Arugam Bay.


Arugam Bay is a popular surfing hotspot for locals and tourists alike. Arugam Surf Point has a very long, consistent, section-like right hand break. In mid-2010 ASP  hosted its first international surf contest in the Bay. The winner of such was Australian Julian Wilson . ASP repeated their contest tour in 2011 added a women's competition to the men's long board championship at Arugam Bay.




Location Map
